Main Entry: mu·sic
Pronunciation: 'myü-zik
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English musik, from Old French musique, from Latin musica, from Greek mousikE any art presided over by the Muses, especially music, from feminine of mousikos of the Muses, from Mousa Muse

1 a : the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity b : vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony

2 a : an agreeable sound : EUPHONY <her voice was music to my ears> b : musical quality <the music of verse>

HERE we strive to find the most talanted and gifted artists on planet earth And in particular... those who have been struggling to survive in order to follow their dream... PLEASE take a few muniutes of your time to listen to these artists. AND ALSO we have included links to communicate with these artists. If they touch you, PLEASE send them a note of will mean THE WORLD to them! Thank you!


This weeks radiOrbit featured recording artist.




Lucas Klotzbach
Acoustic / Folk / Indie


A fractured blues harp and gravedug acoustic rhythms - beat poets but not poetry - everything is appropriate (if it is the right occasion) - existentialism and religion - grab a bottle of your favorite cheap beer (maybe three) - folk and blues - Dylan and Waits - it all ends and it all begins - gothic americana - the farmland of Iowa and the floodplains of New Orleans - somewhere in there - somewhere in between - along the banks of the mississippi - if there is a king and queen there must be a jester - and the jester must have an antagonist - seven miles of guilt and bruises and i am under the ether as autumn leaves waiting for skeletons to be revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or for the more conventional artist bio: Lucas Klotzbach is an avant-folk songwriter holding onto the Beat bible passed on by Dylan and Tom Waits, with his ear to the ground of gothic americana. Singing lyrics of a hushed intensity over gravedug acoustic rhythms supported by a fractured and aggressive approach to the blues harp, Klotzbach is not your typical singer-songwriter or solo acoustic act. His music has been called “brooding” and “aching with honesty” and compared to Skip Spence’s Oar