about program archives

about top 10 programs

about the radiOrbit FORUM



How to submit news/artwork/poems etc

about downloads

about art galleries


NEWS and more...

We normally try and update new stories at least once a day (around 11:30pm PST)

IF you would like to submit a news story to share with the radiOrbit audience please contact orbitradio@aol.com or norager@adelphia.net



iTUNES IS RECOMMENDED AS YOUR PODCAST PLAYER. free download ...Simply open itunes and navigate to ADD PODCAST FEED. Then rightclick and choose copy link location on the podcast feed icon above... then paste that into the itunes podcast feed options box...

When you are notified of a new RSS feed it may also include a radiOrbit POD CAST. You will notice a POD CAST LINK in the notification window of the RSSRADIO player. Simply right click that link to immediately download the new MP3 from radiOrbit! (requires DSL/CABLE connection)    back to TOP



About RSS. This revolutionary tool will allow you to receive up to the minute changes on web sites that offer rss. First you will need to download the rss player. It is free quick and easy!

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication (also Rich Site Summary) and is a set of XML communication standards. RSS allows web developers to share the content of their site. RSS repackages the web content as a list of data items, such as news headlines, to which you can subscribe either from a directory of RSS publishers or directly from the web sites themselves.

RSS content usually includes news stories, headlines, content from discussion lists, or corporate announcements and is primarily used by news websites and weblogs. RSS "feeds" are generally read with an RSS reader called a content aggregator. There are many RSS readers available for download on the net. Do a search in your favourite search engine for "RSS reader" and you will get a listing of many free or reasonably priced ones.

If you are using an RSS reader and have it set to check your feeds at startup, you will get the latest news and features delivered directly to you as soon as they are available, rather than having to check your favourite web sites each day for updates.

Depending upon the type of reader that you have, subscribing to a feed can be done in several ways. The way which will work with almost any reader is to right click on the RSS or XML graphic normally displayed for the feed, then choose "Copy Shortcut" and paste the shortcut into your reader. Some browsers, including Firefox, Opera and Safari, have functionality which automatically picks up RSS feeds for you. For more details on these, please check their websites.


Once the player is installed OPEN THE PLAYER (you will notice it is similair to a browser)
:::::minimize the player and return to this page:::::
(notice that the address line has already been filled in... if not simply point cursor in empty address field right click your mouse and choose PASTE.
CHOOSE OK and you are all set to get immediate updates from radiOrbit!

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We need to know WHO YOU ARE!

IF you appreciate what Mike is doing with radiOrbit then PLEASE register on the site. WE WILL NOT USE THIS INFORMATION FOR ANYTHING BUT TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOU...WE GIVE YOU OUR WORD ON THAT. Its just that we will be offering additional features in the near future and want to keep you informed...its about developing a thoughtful caring community of like-mined people who want to make a difference! SO please take a second to sign up...you wont feel a thing! and besides...its absolutely FREE! AFTER YOU SIGN UP YOU WILL HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS TO ALL FEATURES INCLUDING PROGRAM ARCHIVES AND MUCH MORE...THANKS!

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PROGRAM ARCHIVES...we are in the process of designing a single media player that will contain all program archives. We are also creating a synopsis of each show. In order to access the program archives we ask you to register on the web site. This is merely to let us know who you are. ALL information is private...

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Top 10 Shows...offers a quick FLASH stream of the most popular shows to date.

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about the radiOrbit FORUM...This is a very exciting feature developed for the radiOrbit audience. We have been privileged to attract many highly informed and intelligent members. Topics are very diverse. Please stop by and say Hi!

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Submitting NEWS/ART/POEMS... Its EASY...just send us an email with the information and artwork enclosed.contact Mike Hagan; orbitradio@aol.com or lar: norager@adelphia.net

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DOWNLOADS... we offer several free downloads for registered memebers. Everything from free music to free Windows Screensavers so take a couple of seconds and sign up...this will keep you tuned in and turned on!

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about art galleries... Mike Hagan has a heart for art... he features only independent music artists.. AND he has also created a public gallery for YOUR art... use the email above and send us your (he)art!

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